So another year has passed. And once again the holidays are here. Once again you can hear the statement "I'll take care of it after the holidays." Or "talk to me again, after the holidays."
I don't know if you know this but Rosh Hashana is actually like 4 days long. It was never this long in the States. At least, I don't remember it being that long. I remember getting up early on Rosh Hashana day, and going to services. We'd have to get dressed up, in a dress! I hated dresses, so wearing one was not fun. Then my sister and I would be shipped off to kiddy services. I know these things are meant to keep kids out of the way, but kids hate kiddy services. Kids hate kiddy tables. Kids hate being called kids. But I dealt with it, probably not gracefully, but still..
The best part of the holiday is after services. We all get together and have a really big lunch. The food is great, but the family is amazing.
It’s noisy all the time. Everybody is talking at once and kids are running around trying to find entertainment. There is always at least one person laughing. It's wonderful. I loved it and I love my family.
Then we moved to Israel . We kept the tradition of Morning Services and a big lunch afterwards. I got used to wearing dresses, and even like it sometimes. I get up early with my own alarm clock and don't put up much of a fight. I get to sit next to my Dad in grownup services. We laugh and pray and it's a pretty good time. Then we walk home and eat till we can't breathe.
I love living in Israel . Holidays are a great time for family and tradition. But every holiday, even Yom Kippur, I miss the noise, talking and laughing. I'm sad