Monday, May 13, 2013

Mothers deserve a Mother's Day.  Here in Israel it has become "Family Day", not that family isn't important-but Mothers... they deserve their own day.  The Family does not keep going even though they are sick(in fact the Family curls up into a ball to complain and ask to be taken care of).  The Family doesn't clean up vomit(sorry, but they don't!).  The Family isn't there when you scrap your knee, or get your heart broken.  
My Mom is  awesome.  She DEFINETLY deserves her own day.  My Mom got parenting right.  Like any daughter, I had a couple of years when I was just plain mean.  I probably said a lot of things that would make me cringe today.  We yelled a lot, doors were slammed a lot, and there were tears from the both of us. But once the terrible teens were over, she became my best friend.
She's the reason I've seen and love all the chick flicks that make me smile or cry.  She introduced me to the classics(any Audrey Hepburn for example).  
We cry.  We cry at movies, happy or sad.  We cry at tv shows, happy or sad.  We cry at award shows.  We cry at Presidents' speeches.  We cry when we are angry.  We cry when we are tired. We cry when something good happens.  We cry when we see each other cry.  (I realize it sounds like we cry 90% of the time..but sometimes it's a good cry!)
She pushes me to be better, to try harder.  It may not be things I want to hear and I may tell her to leave me alone, but I appreciate it.  
She has sacrificed things that she wants to get me things that I want, and I try very hard to return the favor when ever I can.
When I have a problem, she's the one I talk to about it.  
When I write, she's the one I ask to tell me her opinion about it.
When I get my heart broken, she's my shoulder to cry on.
She taught me the answer when cynics tell me that being in love with your spouse does not last- I think about my parents and laugh-because I know that it does.
I plan my trips home so that I have time with her.  
When I fight back tears during an argument(pissed at myself for being such a girl), I have her to thank for that.  When I forget my keys in my door or can't remember where I last put something, I have her to thank for that.  When I realize what awesome friendship is and when to cut the unhealthy drama from my life, I have her to thank for that.  And when I can honestly tell a guy who says he "wants to make me better" that I am AWESOME, I have her to thank for that.
She is a big part of who I am today.
My Mom deserves more then one day.  My Mom deserves a life time of days.  
My Mom got parenting right, because when I think of the day that I have children and I say to myself "Oh my God, I'm just like my Mom"-it will be one of my proudest moments, cause then I'll know that I'm getting it right.
Love you soooooooo much!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My first experience on J-Date was not awesome.  A boy sent me a message on the site.  I looked at his profile, and decided-why not?  Sure, his profile was a little wordy(maybe that should have been a warning sign), but I decided (or probably more accurate, my friends lectured me that I need to stop being a "Seinfeld" episode) that I'll go out with him.
After a couple of short messages he asked for my number.  A few seconds later, he called.
It was the longest hour and 20 min.(but who's counting) of my life!
Yes, that's right, ONE HOUR AND 20 MIN.!!
During the longest conversation of my life, this boy asked me three times if I REALLY wanted to go out on Friday(I'm pretty sure that the first time I said yes should have been a clue to that question).  Told me about what an awesome boyfriend he is with examples from past relationships.  And managed to make me uncomfortable when he told me about his sick mother and dead father.  When people over share, especially ones I haven't even seen in person- I have no idea how to react.  The only thing that popped into my head is- "Maybe my Mom is your Mom's nurse!"  Yep...that's the best I could do.
During the phone call from hell, I was trying very hard to not go Seinfeld on certain things-even when asked if I would hug him when I saw him(for the first time).  To which I replied- No. I don't know you.  I hug people I know.  To which he thought appropriate to say "Oh, so you are a cold person".  Even then! I gave him another chance.  I explained that once he gets to know me, he'll realize how untrue that is.
Then everything took a turn for the worst(yes, even more.).  After the 50th time he told me to be more open and talk more(I don't think he realizes that for that to happen- he has to stop talking!!!)  I told him that was not going to happen.  With patience and time, I open up, and there's nothing he can do to change that.  
But it's ok, because he doesn't want to change me, he wants to make me better!
I told him that after 28 years, I feel really good about myself.  And I'm pretty awesome.  After about 2 minutes of back and forth I realized that I'm arguing with somebody I don't know!  We even started arguing about whether or not we are arguing(I'm pretty sure that when you start raising your are arguing!).
Needless to say-we did not go out that Friday.
Although the first on-line dating experience was not awesome at least I learned something.  ALWAYS talk with guy on the phone before going on a date with him.